The Faith
Articles on Christian doctrine
"Establishing the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to abide in the faith" (Acts 14: 22).
A New Start - on what the believer has that is new
Acceptance - on whether we are asked to accept the sacrifice of Christ
Asleep in Christ - on death for the Christian, the fear of death, the sin of death and the grief of death
Baptism - on what the Bible teaches about the subject of baptism
Calling and Faith - on the connection between divine calling and faith as illustrated in the life of Abraham
Children and Sons - on the difference between our place as children of God and our place in sonship
Christian Sacrifices - the sacrifices suited to saints of today in contrast to the saints of a past dispensation
Christ or Nothing - the grave danger facing Jewish disciples abandoning Christ and Christianity and returning to Judaism
Conscience under Attack - what the Bible has to say about conscience
Crucifixion - on what the Bible has to say about crucifixion, the cross of Christ and the believers cross
Deadly Doctrine - New Testament teaching demonstrating that the Christian is not under law but under grace, and that the separation of the law into moral and ceremonial parts is not valid. Includes a second article "From Law to Liberty" describing the difficult transition from law to grace for the first Christians
Eternal Punishment - also includes "The Ethics of Hell". On how the Bible teaches eternal punishment and not universalism or annihilationism
Fighting for the Faith - on contending earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints
Freedom from Sin - on how the believer gets practical deliverance from sin
Grace - two articles on how the Bible defines grace
Grace and Government - on what the Bible teaches as to grace and government
Headship - on the truth of headship in regards to God, Christ, man and woman as taught in the Bible and its symbolism
Inside and Outside - on the parallel truths of being within the veil and outside the camp
Israel's Enemies - on Israel's enemies in the Old Testament and their relevance for the Christian
Leprosy - on the spiritual significance of the disease of leprosy as taught in Scripture
Mercy and Grace - on what the Bible teaches as to the grace of God and the mercy of God
Opinions or Truth? - on the difference between man's opinions and God's truth
Our Greatest Need - on the knowledge of God being the greatest need of the Christian
Propitiation - on what the Bible teaches about propitiation
Providence or Faith? - a comparison of Providence and Faith
Saints or Sinners? - on how Scripture refers to Christians as saints and not forgiven sinners
Serviceable to Him - on what the Bible teaches as regards sanctification
Sovereign Mercy - on God's sovereignty and Man's responsibility
The Advocate - on the teaching of the first epistle of John as regards Christ as the Advocate of the believer
The Christian Priesthood - on the Christian Priesthood as distinguished from the priesthood of Aaron and the priesthood of Christendom
The Dark Ages - on a spiritual dark age that is descending on Christendom as regards the truth of the mystery, the truth of the Lord coming again, and the truth of being justified by faith
The Enigma of Eternal Life - on what the Bible has to say about Eternal Life
The Faith Once Delivered - on the faith once delivered to the saints - Jude verse 3
The Fantasy of Free Will - on how the doctrine of free will is in conflict with the Word of God
The First Epistle or Real Faith - on the message of the Epistle of James
The First Resurrection - on what the Bible says about the first resurrection
The Jordan - on the typical meaning of the crossing of the Red Sea by the children of Israel
The Might of Death - an examination of what the Bible teaches about the Devil or Satan as the anointed covering cherub, and his connection with righteousness, the bondage of death, and the might of death
The New Man - on what Scripture teaches as to the new man (in contrast to the old man etc.)
The Red Heifer - on the water of cleansing provided by the Red of Heifer and its typical relevance for the Christian
The Red Sea - on the typical meaning of the crossing of the Red Sea by the children of Israel
The True Picture - on the Law & the real state of man
The Way of Peace - on peace with God - what it means and how to have it
Thou and Thy House - on how the principle of salvation and a man's house runs right through Scripture
Three Impossibilities - on eternal security. Three impossibilities described in Paul's epistle to the Hebrews Also includes a second article "Saved Today - Saved Forever"
What is Love? - on love according to the Bible
What is Man? - on the constitution of man as made of spirit, soul and body
What is Truth? - on areas where Christians have allowed the Bible to be dethroned from its position of authority
Who Do You Believe? - an article on the faith that leads to the saving of the soul
Your Faith Increases Exceedingly - on the increase in the believer's faith