He does All things Well

The Lord Jesus was characterised by “doing good, and healing all that were under the power of the devil” (Acts 10: 38). He laboured not only in word, but in deed. Of course others have performed miracles and others have spent their lives ministering to the needs of the sick and the poor, but of Christ alone could it be said that “He does all things well” (Mark 7: 37). Just as what He spoke was unique (John 7: 46), so also was what He did.

   Take Matt. 12: 15: “and great crowds followed him; and he healed them all.” Not just a few of them, not even some of them, but
all of them! Again I read in Luke that “when the sun went down, all, as many as had persons sick with divers diseases, brought them to him, and having laid his hands on every one of them, he healed them” (Luke 4: 40). Everyone of them! The Lord Jesus did not just heal a few people here and there, He healed multitudes. Truly a Man who does all things well! Only when He encountered the blight of unbelief in a place does it say that “he did not there many works of power” (Matt. 13: 58). Never, however was a true heart turned away.

   Nor was the Lord at all restricted in what He could do: “And Jesus went round all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the glad tidings of the kingdom, and healing every disease, and every bodily weakness” (Matt. 9: 35). There was not an illness or handicap that He could not meet. Time and again it says that the crowds wondered and marvelled, that they were amazed and astonished. How true was their exclamation “It has never been seen thus in Israel” (Matt. 9: 33). Both Moses and Elijah were outshone by this mysterious prophet of Galilee.

   Without exception, everything that the Lord Jesus did He did well. It was impossible that the divine Servant could do anything that fell short of the divine standard. Other men have worked, but the Lord Jesus has the unique testimony that “He does all things well”.

   Observe that perfection as He feeds the five thousand (Mark 6: 34–44). He taught them “many things”, but He would not at the same time overlook their simple daily need for bread. How could He speak to them of the great things of God yet send them away hungry? The Lord Jesus will meet
every need. Nor is it sufficient simply to provide food. They are to eat and be satisfied, (v42). When Christ does a work, He does it well.

   Just as the perfection of the first creation extends down to the minutest detail, so the work of the Lord is perfect in every aspect. We see it with the widow of Nain’s son (Luke 7: 11–17). Others would have loudly proclaimed the great wonder performed. Not so the Lord Jesus. He simply “gave him to his mother”. The need of the moment was not to blaze abroad the triumph over death, but to meet the yearnings of a mother’s heart. What perfection there is in everything He did!

   On another occasion, the Lord meets a man “full of leprosy” (Luke 5: 12). He could have healed him with a word. The Lord Jesus knew, however, that this poor outcast of society had needs other than that of healing. He therefore stretches out His hand and touches him (and the word here has the sense of handling freely). In healing, Christ not only showed His power, but his love.

   Jairus comes to the Lord Jesus, and “besought him much, saying, My little daughter is at extremity; [I pray] that thou shouldest come and lay thy hands upon her so that she may be healed, and may live” (Mark 5: 23). What does the Lord do? It says that “he went with him” (v24). How gracious! Scripture is exact. It could have followed decorum and said that Jairus went with Christ since one was a mere man and the other the great King. But no! The Son of God deigns to travel with a lowly ruler of a synagogue. Why? Because there is a breaking heart that needs shoring up.
There is a way of doing things well, and the Lord Jesus is the supreme exemplification of it.
