Things to Come

Articles on prophetic subjects

"Write therefore what thou hast seen, and the things that are, and the things that are about to be after these" (Rev. 1: 19).

Home Page

All Israel - on how Ezekiel 37 shows that all Israel shall be saved

A Striking Parallel - on the parallel between the period that terminated with the rejection of Christ by Israel and the period that ends with the judgments which will attend the public return of the Lord from heaven

Eternity - on what the Scriptures have to say about eternity

Heaven - on what the Bible teaches about Heaven

Hope - on the hope of the Christian

Jehovah's Feasts - the history of Israel set out in the Seven Feasts of Jehovah (otherwise known as the feasts of the Lord) in Leviticus 23

John and Elijah - on the relationship between John the Baptist & Elijah the prophet

Left Behind - on what the Scriptures teach as regards the so-called partial rapture theory

Maranatha - on the use in Scripture of the word maranatha

Our Hope - on why the coming of the Lord Jesus for us is our hope and not our going to be with Him

Our True Hope - on the true hope of the Christian being Christ coming out of heaven to take him back to heaven

Precious Prophecy - on the value of prophecy

Sins taken Away - on the teaching of Scripture of sins never being remembered anymore

The Feasts of the Lord - an in-depth look at the seven feasts of Leviticus 23 and their prophetic fulfilment

The Future - on the future for the believer and unbeliever

The Hidden Manna - on the hidden manna and the new stone given to the overcomer in the address to Pergamos in the book of Revelation

The Hope - on the hope of the Christian: Christ's coming again

The Lord Himself - on why the Lord's coming is not just an event but about a person, the Lord Jesus Christ

The Olive Tree Mystery - on the teaching of the olive tree in the Bible and it's connection with Israel and the nations, and God's ways and purposes in mercy

The Blessed Hope - on how the blessed hope is the hope of Christ's return for the believer

The Iniquity of the Amorites - on the iniquity of the Amorites and its relevance in assessing the moral collapse in today's world

The Land of Promise - on why God's promises to Israel regarding the land will be fulfilled literally to them, and are not fulfilled in the Church

The Last Epistle - on why the epistle of Jude is the the last epistle in Scripture.

The Prisoner of Hope - on the Christian as one living in hope of better things

The Rapture of the Saints - on the rapture of the saints to heaven without dying when the Lord comes

The Sermon on the Mount - on the Sermon on the Mount being for Israel not Christians, and about the Kingdom and not the Church

The Swallows are Gone - on being ready for Christ

Times & Seasons - a brief summary of the times, seasons and dispensations of the Bible, and why a dispensational approach is the only sound way of interpreting Scripture

Two Words - on two significant words in the last chapter of Malachi, namely Remember and Behold

Will YOU be judged at the Judgement Seat of Christ? - on whether Christians will be judged at the judgement seat of Christ