
Articles on practical aspects of Christianity

"For as the body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead" (James 2: 26).

Home Page

Abdication - on why we are individually responsible to follow Christ and why clerisy runs counter to this

Abide in Me - on the importance of abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ

Are You Growing - on the characteristic signs of Christian growth

As for Me - article on Psalm 17 verses 14 and 15, and how it relates to the hope of the believer

Ask at Home - on how it is not permitted for women to speak in the assembly but instead to ask their husbands at home

A Word of Warning - on the need for fidelity to Christ in these last, closing days

Be in Peace - on peace among the saints

Body Piercings and the Bible - Earrings and nose rings in the light of Scripture

Borderers - the history of the two and a half tribes who did not cross the Jordan to take an inheritance in the Promised Land

Builders - on the need for edification, the practical, positive building up of other believers

Burial and Cremation - on why cremation is not Christian, and is a denial of the truth of resurrection

Cancel Culture - on why ostracization has no place in Christianity except as it relates to the apostolic doctrine

Care for Others - on Christian giving, liberality and generosity

Chastisement - on the dangers of despising chastening or of fainting under it

Christ and Politics - on why Christians should refrain from involvement in politics

Christian Friends - on the character of true Christian friendship

Christian Giving - Christian giving as taught by precept and example in the Bible

Citizens of Heaven - on how the Christian is not of this world but a citizen of heaven

Complications - on complications in relation to adultery and divorce

Confession - on what the Bible teaches on the subject of confession

Confession - on the teaching of the first epistle of John as regards the need of confession for the believer who has sinned

Consider Your Ways - on how believers need to consider their ways in the light of the experiences that God is passing them through

Conversation - on how our conversation or manner of life should be in accord with our conversion

Cremation's Testimony - on the testimony of cremation being the denial of resurrection

Daniel and the Law - on how what God says always takes precedence over the law of man

Decision - on the critical decisions made as youth passes into adulthood

Decline - on four questions posed for the believer in the book of Job

Divorce - the Devil's Delusion - what the Bible teaches on marriage and divorce

Draw Near - on why the Christian should always draw near to God, even when he has failed

Fashion - on the Christian's attitude to fashion

Feet Washing - on our service as Christians to one another and the cleansing power of the Word of God

First Love - on how the Assembly or Church at Ephesus had left their first love

Free from Sickness - on the misinterpretation of Matthew 8: 16, 17 to support the false idea that Christians ought to be free from sickness

Fruitful Branches - on how the believer needs to abide in Christ, the true vine, as taught in John chapter 15

Fully Engaged - on how Scripture teaches that all Christians are in full-time service to Christ

Giving Our Best - on God's claims on the believer

Heirs Together - a model Christian couple: Aquila & Priscilla

Holy and True - on the special danger facing the Church in Philadelphia: a false concept of brotherly love

Hospitality - on the need for hospitality among the saints

In My Name - what it means to pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Isolation - on combining a narrow path with a wide heart

Liberty - on Romans 14:1-15:7

Light at Home - on the practical light of Christianity shining out from a believer's home

Living by Faith - on how the Christian is to live by faith

Moral Fitness - on the moral condition suited to enlightenment in the ways and counsels of God

Mouth to Mouth - on how modern telecommunications are not a substitute for presence

Muddled Comfort - on the importance of distinguishing between the blessedness of falling asleep in Jesus and the Christian's hope

Music, Hymns & Youth - what the Bible teaches on the use of musical instruments in Christian praise and worship

Not Lawful - on John the Baptist, the latter-day Elijah who stood faithful to Scripture with respect to the marriage of Herod

One People - on why racism is incompatible with the truth of the mystery

Other Christians - on how Christians should regard other believers with whom they are not ecclesiastically linked

Possession - on real possession of our inheritance in Christ

Practical Christianity - on what the Scriptures teach us as regards practical Christianity

Praise and Pride - on the dangers of praise and pride for the Christian; two articles: "Praise and Pride" and "The Danger of Pride"

Prayer Subjects - on what the apostle Paul prayed about

Precious in the Lord - on the Christian's attitude to death

Remember the Poor - what the Bible says about caring for the poor and needy among God's people and in society in general

Questions - on the questions young Christians ask their elders

Satisfied Saints - on having a heart for that which really matters

Separation - on how separation is taught throughout Scripture

Sickness - on how God uses sickness to teach both believers and unbelievers

Spend and be Spent - the effect of grace practically

Suffering for Faith - on what the Bible says about the believer suffering for his faith

Tale-Bearing - on the dangers of gossiping

Tattoos - on what the Bible teaches regarding tattoos

The Armour of God - on the Christian armour or panoply of God as described in the New Testament

The Burial of the Patriarchs - on the importance of burial in the book of Genesis, in the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

The Christian and the State - on the relationship of the Christian to the state, government and rulers

Three Views - on how the Christian can look downwards, backwards and forwards

The Lord's Day - on the Christian's need to observe the Lord's Day

The Ministry of Women - on the ministry of Christian women as set forth in the New Testament

The Race - on the Christian pathway here being described in Scripture as a race, and the need to finish well

The True Yoke - on the yoke of Christ - subjection to the will of God

The Victor - on how Christ has annulled the power of death

Thou and Thy House - Scriptural teaching on Christian households

Time to Pray - on the dangers of neglecting prayer

Timidity - incidents from the life of Gideon that teach Christians as to how God can use even the most timid believer

Trials - on the way to heaven being through much tribulation

Waiting on the Lord - on the meaning of Isaiah 40 verse 31: “but they that wait upon Jehovah shall renew [their] strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not tire; they shall walk, and not faint”

What is My Work? - on working for the Lord

Young Men - on encouraging young men in Christ

A 389 page print/Kindle book is also available from and Epistles of Christ: Christianity in Practice. ISBN: 978-1-7394928-5-4.

This book is intended for the serious Christian with a knowledge of Scripture, but who wants to deepen his walk with the Lord, and to be an effective witness in this world as an 'epistle' (or 'letter') of Christ (see 2 Cor. 3: 1-3). It consists of a compilation of hard-hitting articles on various practical aspects of Christianity drawn from the teaching of the Bible. For ordering and current prices please go to or